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Himanshu Thakur


A somewhat comprehensive list of tools, apps, hardware, and more that I use on a daily basis to design and code things. And yeah, that is a Mr. Robot GIF in the background.


  • I use VSCode as my text editor, with the Dracula Official theme and Operator Mono as my typeface of choice.
  • Arc is my main browser for both development and general use.
  • React is my front end Javascript library of choice.
  • I use Flutter for mobile app development. It's ability to create a highly intuitive code base and os independent applications really appealed to me as a developer
  • For developing backends I generally use Node js.
  • For CSS I’ve used a myriad pre-processors and css-in-js solutions like styled-components, but these days I’m using vanilla CSS with TailwindCSS to get upcoming CSS features today.
  • When it comes to scripting , data science and training deep learning modelsPython and Pytorch are my go-to weapons.
  • As far as databases I have experience with SQL,No-SQL & Graph databases. Some of the renowned names include Mongo DB, Postgres, Dynamodb & Neo4j


Operating systemMac OS Sonoma (by the way)
LaptopMacbook M1 Air 13″
HeadphonesRealme Earpods